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Left Brain / Right Brain

There was a very cool ad campaign put out by the Mercedes-Benz company a few years back that illustrates a theory about how different parts of the brain process information. The left side is the organized, linguistic, linear sequential side while the right side is the colourful, spatial, random abstract side, and, so the theory goes, we can tap into our own creativity by learning how to access the right side of our brains more. Whether or not the physical split in the brain is actually as defined as the theory seems to be, learning to let go and "use the Force" can come in very handy as an artist.

Check out books like the one by Betty Edwards, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, for more background on this interesting theory as well as exercises designed to encourage your own creativity. 

Here is a gallery of some images that try to explain the difference between the brain hemisphere visually (a picture is worth  thousand words).


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