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Digital Photography • Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed refers to the length of time the shutter opening on the camera lets light through. Together with Aperture and ISO, it makes up one of the three key components of Exposure. Shutter Speed controls how quickly or slowly light is let on to the "film" (simulated digitally today) to take crisp pictures or ones where the light blurs. This element can be very useful when photographing sports, for example, where a crisp snapshot may be desired that captures the mid-air action, while a slower shutter speed may be desired for a night shot with streaking lights or to blur the water in a babbling brook. It all depends what you as a photographer wish to capture. Shutter Speed is measured in seconds or fractions of seconds. 

There are many good sources on Shutter Speed available on-line. Try lots of variety in your shots!

Introduction to Shutter Speed


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